
Old friends in New Places | October 1st, 2016

Over the past two years, the Adirondacks have become home for me. It's easy to forget that some people who have lived in New York their entire life has never seen them. This weekend I was lucky enough to show two old friends their beauty. I've known Jake and Steve for over ten years now and they've always talked about coming up to visit so it was great that it finally happened. Our plan was to hike Gothics via St. Huberts and check out Rainbow Falls on the way out.

We knew the weather was going to be hit or miss the whole week. It ended up being somewhere in the middle. It never quite rained on us but the low lying clouds prevented us from having any views. Despite that, they were both stoked to be in the mountains which brought my excitement up as well. Gothics was one of my first high peaks when I did the Great Range so it felt like going full circle now that I had finished my high peaks and was returning on another cloudy viewless day to this apparently beautiful peak.

We celebrated on the summit of Gothics accordingly with a few PBRs and then continued along the ridge. We came to the junction for Sawteeth, another high peak, and decided we had enough energy to do that too. The guys didn't even care they couldn't see the rest of the Adirondacks from the top, just knowing they were on top of a mountain that they climbed with their own strength was enough of a reward and to me that's what's it's all about.

Francis Zuber