
Table Top and Phelps | September 19th, 2016

Austin and I departed from the Adirondack Loj at 7AM. We started heading toward Marcy dam with Table Top and Phelps Mountain being our peaks for the day. The morning was still cool but I could feel it warming up and it was clear that we were going to have a beautiful early fall day. Our pace was quick and before we knew it we summited Table Top. Despite the bad rap Table Top gets for being a mostly wooded summit, we were welcomed by beautiful views of Colden, Marcy, and Haystack, with some clouds rolling over Marcy's summit. We trekked back down and headed for Phelps which we knew had the better view of the two. We were not disappointed, Phelps has one of the most astounding views of all the high peaks. This hike put me at 44 out of 46 high peaks, leaving only Marshall and Colden for next time.

Francis Zuber